What We Believe

Since God is perfect, but we are sinful, we have been separated from God. Because the punishment for sin is death, God sent his Son, Jesus, to pay the price for our sins by dying on a cross. Jesus was punished for every wrong thing you and I have ever done, even though he was completely perfect! Three days later Jesus came back to life - he conquered death!  We believe that God sent his Son, Jesus, because of his great love for us!  God promises that when we confess our sings to him, believe in what he did, and make a decision to live for Jesus, he will forgive us and offer us eternity in heaven with him.  A verse in the Bible, John 3:16, tells us, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."  That is the great message about salvation, and that is what we believe!

If you want to learn more about Jesus and why we sing about him, feel free to email us any questions that you have! Our email address is:  info@xlr8kids.net

If you're interested in getting plugged in at a church in your community, here are a few awesome churches that you can check out:

Willingdon Church in Burnaby: www.willingdonchurch.org
Westside Church in Vancouver and on the North Shore: www.churchonthewestside.com & www.westsidechurchnorthshore.com
Northside Church in Port Coquitlam: www.northsidechurch.ca
Eagle Ridge Church in Coquitlam: www.erbf.com