
Name: Megan

Favourite Colour: Purple, obviously.

Things I Love: rock climbing, playing the guitar, singing, traveling, reading, cooking, baking, and spending quality time with my amazing family and friends!

Where I Live: Uganda

My husband and I decided to move to Uganda to work with an organization that is building a Christian girls' school.  It was a hard decision to move away from home, knowing we would miss our family and friends, but we knew that God wanted us to be here and we decided there was no excuse not to obey!  God calls his followers to serve him and share the gospel whenever he gives us the chance.  Right now, this is where he wants us to be, and it's exciting to know that he is using us to be his missionaries!  It's not always easy (like when there are strange bugs crawling on our floor, or when we get malaria), but it IS worth it.  Following Jesus is ALWAYS worth it!

One of my favourite stories from the Bible is about a fisherman named Peter.  Jesus came by when Peter was fishing with his brother one day and said, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."  They immediately left what they were doing and followed Jesus!  Jesus asks you and me to do the same thing today - follow him and be fishers of men.  In other words, share the good news of Jesus with as many people as we can, so that they can experience his love!   

My Walk With Jesus:
I am so thankful that God gave me parents who know Him and taught me about Him when I was a little girl.  I invited Jesus into my life when I was 4 years old, but I didn't truly understand what it meant to follow Jesus until I was older.  I started to understand that being a Christian is more than going to Sunday school and praying before dinner.  Being a Christian means making Jesus the most important thing in my life, ALL THE TIME.  I know that this is not easy, and I have screwed up so many times.  The Bible says that everyone is sinful, and we all fall short of God's glory.  In other words, only God is perfect!  But I praise God for his grace, and that he chooses to love me, a sinner.  And the exciting thing is, he loves you too!

If you have questions about Jesus, who he is, or what it means to follow him, please email us!  We'd love to tell you more about him.